World Leaders & Global Changemakers need YOU to reach the SDG Targets by 2030!

As we celebrate the United Nation’s 75th year this month, it is the time to introspect about our role in building a better future. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN in 2015 serve as a charter for not just the government and people in power, they are also as much a guideline …

World Leaders & Global Changemakers need YOU to reach the SDG Targets by 2030! Read More »

Imagine being told who to be and feeling trapped

Imagine being told who to be and feeling trapped?

Did you know that children begin to experience the drawbacks of gender stereotypes since a very young age? When we perpetrate our preconceived notions of gender roles on our children, it can lead to lifelong gender confusion and gender identity crisis. An example of the toxicity of gender inequality is genderdysphoria! Gender Dysphoria is the feeling of …

Imagine being told who to be and feeling trapped? Read More »