World Leaders & Global Changemakers need YOU to reach the SDG Targets by 2030!

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As we celebrate the United Nation’s 75th year this month, it is the time to introspect about our role in building a better future. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN in 2015 serve as a charter for not just the government and people in power, they are also as much a guideline for the citizenry, for citizens are a nation’s most valuable asset. When it comes to making a large impact or a systemic change, it is people like you and me, who can bring about the much-needed change.

SDGCC Haryana has always believed in the power of its people. For the celebration and commemoration of the SDG Day, we flagged off our #Humans4SDG Campaign in the beginning of September. Because of the coronavirus restrictions, the only platform we could use to recognize changemakers was social media. We were pleased to find a large number of people who believed in these goals and are in fact, taking small steps in their lives to ensure that we are able to meet these targets by 2030. From young to old, across genders and professions, we found real heroes who didn’t want to be passive viewers to change but have become action takers in their own right.

Have a look at some people who joined us in our #Humans4sdg movement. You can join this movement too by visiting our social media handles Facebook & Instagram


Instagram Handle: @savs49

“I am an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in advertising events, and sports marketing. The deep emotional bond with nature and environment started in during my formative years in Dehradun. My father now retired from the Armed Forces ensured we took to adventure trips in the green valleys, camping in the forest , trekking up to Mussoorie over weekends. Even now a quick peek at the little green patch in the front of my home would tell you that nature still is my first love. Being an outdoorsy person, I strongly feel the focus of human activity is centred on concretisation and earth has warmed up much more than it deserved to over the years. If we really have love and compassion for environment and wish to stop the damage on Earth due to climate change the efforts have to be collective.”


Instagram Handle : @everycorneroftheworld

“I have been a travel and lifestyle blogger since 2016 sharing my travel experiences and inspiring others to travel and live a sustainable lifestyle. I graduated from Burdwan University in Microbiology Hons and an IIM Lucknow and Symbiosis degree- holder in Sales and Marketing. I have a 9-5 fixed-job for my bread and butter and sustenance. My passion is to create content through blogs, videos and photography. These mostly include my latest travel tales in a sustainable model, showcased through food, places, people, culture and daily lifestyle. Over the years I have upskilled myself and now I create videos too, along with writing and photography dedicated to documenting my daily lifestyle as Every Corner of World. I love to portray my images via a kaleidoscope of colour, as I always believe in vibrant colours, positivity and happiness. I am fortunate enough to be able to monetize my digital presence. I try to live in a minimalistic way and reduce carbon footprint as much as possible. For me a sustainable lifestyle can change the present World in a better world we dream The lockdown has changed me a lot. In fact, these days I am trying to change my living style slowly and I hope when I travel again, my lifestyle would impact on nature more than earlier.”


Instagram Handle: @herlavishhustle

“We need to change before our planet does. I am happy to be collaborating with @sdgccharyana as part of their Humans For Sustainable Development Goals #humans4sdg and support the 17 global goals for 2030 as proposed by the United Nations. Your existence makes a positive difference, whether you see it or not.”



Instagram handle : @hoppingontoes

“All for supporting the 17 global goals for 2030 as proposed by the United Nations as part of the Human for Sustainable Development Goals. For more information you can check it out on their Instagram handle @sdgccharyana I’ve tried to make changes in my life towards Sustainable Living and you can too . When you change, you make a huge difference to our planet Earth . It’s high time we as individuals realise that we have ruined our Earth and it is our duty to repair and fix it .

Just make little, simple and slow changes and you’ll realize you’ve come so far . Every little step makes a difference and if we don’t do it now ,when will we ? It’s our house ,it’s the only place we’ve got to live in …So #getup #gosustainable and Do Your Bit …”


Like them, if you also believe in leaving a better world for the future generations, join the #Humans4sdg campaign and make the change today. Write to us at with your story and picture to get featured.


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